"Jennifer from HomeLister was very helpful. The house sold quickly and Jennifer and HomeLister did a good job in representing us. I would recommend them to anyone wanting to sell their home and not pay huge prices to get listed on MLS."
- Mark
sold their home and saved
$13,200 of his equity.
“Made things super easy and they were always there when I needed them, selling my condo was painless, I would definitely recommend HomeLister! They always answered any questions, they were quick to email or call back”
- Robin
sold their home and saved
$29,400 of her equity.
“We had an excellent experience using HomeLister to sell our home. The process was easy and anytime we had a question, a representative was available, knowledgeable and eager to help. I highly recommend the company.”
- Kimberly
sold their home and saved
$40,200 of her equity.
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