A developer's dream! -- Over 3 acres on the corner lot next to Klondike Heights! Homebuyers, you will love the huge rooms and limitless potential. The main level has 3 BR/2BA with country kitchen and breakfast area, walk-in -pantry, large family room, sunroom, deck, formal living and dining room, entrance ramp from garage and a walk-in shower -- all awaiting your beautiful updates! Permanent, wide stairwell leads to the 2000 s.f. attic (potential expansion?!). The terrace level holds a small apartment with private entrance and parking pad; it includes a foyer, large bedroom, full bath, kitchen, dining area and living area with fireplace, hothouse, and ENDLESS storage. There is a deep well at the rear property line near the street; adjacent to the house is a 640 s.f. workshop with sink and stubbed for bath -- and yet there's MORE: the property has been surveyed to retain 1.4 AC with the house and workshop, and sell off two lots (photo of survey included) ... SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!