As California enters phase 2, the California Association of Realtors recommends showings should be done virtually, whenever possible. Open houses are discouraged to the general public or on a walk in basis. Home owners are encouraged to use appointments or digital sign ins to control the amount of people. Many MLSs are still not allowing open houses. House tours are discouraged but allowed. Only a single agent and no more than 2 other adults are allowed in the home at a time. CA has created a new declaration that all attendees must sign to confirm their acknowledgement of the risk. This declaration, agreement amendments and the best practices guidelines provided to real estate agents has been placed in your listing dashboard in the documents section.
You can see the California Association of Realtors Rules for Showings here:
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
The Governor issued an Executive Order requiring all state residents to stay home until their county has passed beyond Phase 1. During this time, all in-person house tours are prohibited. The state has said that virtual tours are how showings should be conducted during Phase 1.
Phase 2. During Phase 2 in person showings and open houses may be conducted. The following counties are now open to limited real estate activities in Phase 2. Open houses may only permit 1 party on the property at a time. Please see the NY Real Estate Guidance Document for full rules.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
The Governor is planning phase 2 of Connecticut's reopening in or around June 20. CT has defined real estate as an essential activity that may continue.
The Connecticut Association of Realtors urges realtors to refrain from conducting broker open houses and public open houses until further notice. The following guidance has been provided: The following are prohibited: Open houses; Conducting any showing to a prospective buyer who is not likely to enter a contract in the next 30 days. Additional Guidance provided is to do the following: Showing a property exclusively to those making the decision, and not others. Restricting the opportunity for a showing to only those who would not proceed with a transaction without entering the property. Family members such as children, parents or friends should not be participating nor should any prospective buyer be provided an opportunity to view multiple properties unless you have certainty a contract may result in the next 30 days. Any individual without an essential need to enter a property for a transaction is not within the scope of “essential.” Only the inspector, the principle buyer(s) and their agent should be present. If there are a number of things the buyer would like repaired or done prior to closing, we encourage as much as possible that those be delivered in a buyer credit. While you may need to open the door for the appraiser and secure the property after the appraisal, you should refrain from entering the property with the appraiser.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
Florida has now entered Phase 2. Real estate services were already deemed essential. The changes don't apply to the South Florida counties of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach, but the order allows some businesses in the counties to reopen “after each county seeks approval with a written request from the County Mayor or if no mayor the County Administrator.”
As of May 22, 2020, in person house tours may resume. We strongly recommend if you decide to conduct an in person house tour, please follow CDC preventative guidelines
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
The Governor plans to ease restrictions as the state enters phase 2 the weekend of June 6. The state recommends limiting personal interactions, including open houses, to the greatest extent possible and engaging in-person only when necessary. They suggest following these strict protocols: • Except for open houses, in-person activities should be by appointment only. • No more than three (3) people, including the agent, may be at the property at any one time. • Those three persons must strictly follow physical distancing guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) by remaining at least six feet apart at all times.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
There are no current orders in place against holding in person tours. The Massachusetts Association of Realtors has sent out guidance suggesting that the number of public open houses should be limited. While open houses are not prohibited, they are subject to the Governor’s order about limiting gatherings to ten people and the DPH advisory to stay home. If an open house is held, the number of people in the home should be limited to 10 at a time and social distancing should be enforced. We recommend against having in-person house tours but if you do, please follow CDC preventative guidelines
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
The Governor has now lifted the Executive Order requiring all state residents to stay home. Showings by appointment are allowed. Realtors can operate and show houses to prospective buyers on a 1-on-1 basis. All agents and brokers must adhere to social distancing guidelines and ensure they are performing private one-on-one showings. CDC preventative guidelines
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
As of June 5, 14 Oregon counties enter Phase 2 of Oregon’s Reopening, with an additional 11 counties on June 6. Phase 2 Reopening allows for in-person gatherings of up to 50 people indoors, it only does so with 6ft social distancing and strict sanitation protocols. Traditional open houses cannot guarantee 6ft distancing so only modified open houses, such as those by appointment only or those where one family tours the home at a time (maintaining a 6ft distance) and other individuals/families line up outside 6ft apart (consider marking off 6ft distances), would be allowed. Those hosting modified open houses should continue to maintain the strict sanitation protocols that they have been using throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and should review the Oregon Health Authority guidance on events/gatherings and on face coverings. Virtual open houses are still a good option. Below is the link from Oregon Association of Realtors detailing phase 2 real estate guidelines.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
As of May 20 all real estate in Pennsylvania reopened with new guidance. Under these rules, in-person services can be provided under the same rules in red-phase counties as in yellow-phase counties. If a thing can be done it can be done anywhere in the state. If a thing can’t be done, it can’t be done anywhere in the state. Once counties move to green, many of the restrictions listed below will no longer be required. In person showing may not exceed 3 persons at one time. Masks must be worn. Gloves and booties are no longer required. All showing s should be spaced out with 30 minutes between them. Hosts must…maintain records of all appointments, including contact information for all participants.” Additional details in the guidance can be found on PAR on the attached link.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
Gov. Abbott’s latest executive order (GA-18) states that businesses and people providing essential services should implement social distancing and telework where feasible, especially for people over the age of 65. Additionally, brokerages should now follow the minimum standard health protocols recommended by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)—for example, training staff and agents on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette. Texas REALTORS® continues to recommend that members consider the advisability of holding open houses at this time, but if an in-person showing must take place, health and safety protocols should be in place. We strongly recommend if you decide to conduct an in person house tour, please follow&nsp;CDC preventative guidelines
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
Utah is the 2nd phase of repoening. At this time there are no orders prohibiting in person tours. Here is a link to the national recommendations from the National Association of Realtors regarding Showing Guidance:
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
It is advised to limit personal interactions, including open houses, to the greatest extent possible and will engage in-person only when necessary, and follow these strict protocols: • Except for open houses, in-person activities should be by appointment only. • No more than three (3) people, including the agent, may be at the property at any one time. • Those three persons must strictly follow physical distancing guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) by remaining at least six feet apart at all times.
We have launched a new free app, called HomeLister Live Tours, that lets homeowners easily schedule and host live virtual house tours with buyers and their agents. You can use this app on your smartphone to tour them around your property, and answer questions as you go. Click here to learn more about this app and here for a step by step instructional guide on how to use it.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been some changes to government backed loan programs that you should be aware of. Here are a summary of these changes below:
FHA – Credit (effective immediately for cases closed on or before May 17, 2020
FHA - Appraisals - If traditional appraisal is not available (effective immediately for appraisal inspections completed on or before May 17, 2020)
VA/USDA – Credit (effective immediately for all loans closed on, or after, March 27, 2020 until further notice)
Overlays - Credit
VA - Appraisals – If traditional appraisal is not available